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Industry Exchange LLC

The Mexico Infrastructure Projects Forum is owned and operated by Industry Exchange LLC (INEX).  The INEX platform aims to facilitate the exchange of business information and industry insight through extremely high quality network of industry professionals who share a common objective.


Our annual two day event in Monterrey, Mexico brings together CEO’s and senior level managers from construction companies, engineering firms, government officials and service providers who are actively engaged in the development of infrastructure projects in Mexico.


The content scope for Mexico Infrastructure Projects Forum will cover Mexico as a region and focus on important projects in Northern Mexico.  Those companies actively pursuing investment opportunities in Mexico should consider attending.  This is a perfect opportunity to do align business strategies related to market entry and identifystrategic partners as an integral part of your business plan.


The success of the Mexico Infrastructure Projects Forum is reflected in the quality of its sponsors and the content presented by leading industry executives who are participating in the event and available during the networking sessions.

2024 Sponsors
TC Energia new logo 2024.jpg
Logo-SempraInfraestructura-01 500 px.jpg
Mexico Pacific LNG Mexico Natural Gas Conference Sponsor
Enel logo.jpg
Engie Mexico Energy Infrastructure Projects Forum Monterrey
BP Energy Natural Gas Trader Mexico Infrastructure Conference Enery Electricity Renewable Fuels
NEG Gas Natural Mexico Infrastructure Projects Forum Energy Conference
Gascorp Sponsor Mexico Energy Infrastructure Projects Forum
Mexico Enery Infrastructure Projects Forum Monterrey Event Conference natural gas
Supporting Organizations
Logo economia_NL 2021-2027 (2).png
Energia Campeche Mexico Energy Infrastructure Projects Forum Monterrey
Comexi logo 300 pixelsLOGO COMEXI FINAL.

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